Do Green Property Managers Attract More Considerate Residents?




Some people misuse the perception of being “Green”, just because it may not be as “cool” today to take your property management business in a “green” direction doesn’t mean it’s not rewarding. Besides all satisfactions and rewards come with the sustainable plan that could save you thousands of dollars.

The HUD in 2007 introduced their “Green Initiative” program, which gave initiative to property owners to rehabilitate their buildings using the sustainable Green Building principles. There’s also a Credential for Green Property Management (CPGM) you can qualify for. It offers management companies and owners a mechanism for meeting the training commitments to the HUD Office of Affordable Preservation (OAHP) if they’ve qualified for a “green restructuring”.

It isn’t rocket science to imagine that the kind of people who make excellent renters are also impressed with buildings updated to be both environmentally sensitive as well as healthier to live in.


Each of the following topics is covered in the credential training, with a cumulative total of at least 8 hours in these areas:

  • Green Building Principles and Practices Overview
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Efficiency
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Indoor Air
  • Quality
  • Green Operations and Maintenance


Other topics that may be included in the 16-hour requirement include:

  • Green Site Landscaping, Xeriscape, Composting, etc.
  • Green Building Systems
  • Alternative Energy Sources (Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Combined Heat and Power, Co-generation)
  • Energy Star (including indoor and outdoor lighting) and WaterSense Programs
  • Recycling and Waste Reduction
  • Resident Green Education



To learn more in regards to the Green program visit :